Thursday, July 19, 2012

People of Wells

Well, well...

Internet is such an amazing global library

I just asked in the previous posting as a total novice in Irish history if there might be something in the Druid religion in which baptism found a connection.

Something like Sun cult for late Romans, Constantine the Great met Christ in the Sun
in hoc signo vincet

So I asked ... and got an immediate answer from Celtic Twilight

Irish Druids And Old Irish Religions

That so wet a country as Ireland should have so great a reverence for wells, is an evidence how early the primitive and composite races there came under the moral influence of oriental visitors and rulers, who had known in their native lands the want of rain, the value of wells. So deep was this respect, that by some the Irish were known as the People of Wells

Living Waters or broken wells?
Indeed, Jesus Christ found a point for His Patrick to reach those ancient Irish people and convince them about the well of Living Waters!

The referred Celtic Twilight pages maintained by Gordd Cymru do have a certain nostalgic atmosphere with perhaps some anti-Christian sentiment?

I really hope that for Celtic revivalists there is no temptation to return to the pre-Patrick days when all kind of natural phenomena were worshipped instead of the One God of Israel who has made it all and has conquered Ireland in such a wonderful and loving way.

Then the prophetic words of Jeremiah would become sadly true - again, this time in some people's hearts in Ireland like once in ancient Israel

“My people have committed two sins:
They have forsaken me,
the spring of living water,
and have dug their own cisterns,
broken cisterns that cannot hold water."
Jeremiah 2:13

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