Saturday, September 10, 2011

Christ conquers Roma

 S.P.Q.R  Senatus Populusque Romanus
Senate and the People of Rome

It is overwhelming proof of the skill of our Enemy that many devout believers consider one of the greatest victories of Christ, the conquest of Rome, to be a sad defeat for the true Apostolic Church.

The odds against Christ were immense

Roman Empire is one of the most powerful kingdoms in the history of mankind.  The legions had conquered most of the known world from Atlantic to Arabia Felix and proudly they called the Mediterranean "Our Ocean". No other imperium has ever achieved such a feat. Their military power and technology was overwhelming, their iron rule, their commerce, shipping, taxation of the entire world since the time of  Caesar Augustus, their criminal justice system, architecture, political skills are still cause of wonder. Roman civilization is in the core of the Western world and we have Capitol Hill in Washington as well as consuls and plebeians all over the democratic world, not to speak of Emperors that have been and will be.

Adolph Hitler found so much to admire in the iron eagle state of Rome that his Third Reich adopted many symbols and ideas from it when preparing for the Thousand Years of Nazi rule over the world.

Against this powerful macho machinery of road builders, bridge constructors, hardened viewers of gladiator games, experienced shrew politicians, omnipotent rulers there stands one man, Christ, and His gospel.

The odds against Christ were immense

And yet He received a resounding victory over this most powerful kingdom upon earth.

He did.


In my mind are two basic strategies, Christ the Lamb and Christ the Warrior.

The Lamb, Jesus, represents such depth of love that neither the pleas of her father and friends, love for her just born child nor fear of Roman torture and vicious death in the arena could turn the heads of Saint Perpetua and her friends. There was something stronger, more powerful in them, then the power of an omnipotent sadistic and cruel power hungry State and its representatives. This love reached a single mother and changed world history.

The Warrior, Jesus, was present in a crucial battle of human armies and brought victory to one side against the other that utterly perished. (He takes sides, you know...)

I write about these two things, that in my mind led Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God to such a resounding victory that the entire western world was shaken as if in a massive earthquake. Events that shapes also today the world of human race living upon this Earth. Your world and mine.

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